The year may only be half way over, but we’re excited to introduce you to 2017’s Seminole Hard Rock Calendar Girls! Each year 20 of Seminole Hard Rock Tampa’s finest team members are chosen to represent the company as a brand ambassador at various events on property and throughout the Tampa Bay community. The hand selected ladies love to work hard and play hard. Not only are they sexy, beautiful and confident women; but they all possess a passion for bringing light to positive brand awareness. Say hello to the lovely ladies of the 2017 calendar!
Name: Abigail
Status: Rookie
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @abbymv
Twitter: @Abbycadabbie20
Name: Angel
Status: Veteran
Job: Mixologist
Instagram: @angelbranesky
Twitter: @AngelBranesky
Name: Amanda
Status: Veteran
Job: Mixologist
Instagram: @Cuevasa210
Twitter: @Cuevasa210
Name: Amber
Status: Veteran
Job: VIP Plum Lounge
Instagram: @amberfahey1111
Twitter: @tiffanyJ63
Name: Brittney
Status: Rookie
Job: Beverage Server
Instagram: @bebe_1126
Twitter: Brittney1126
Name: Cassey
Status: Veteran
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @casseyfig
Twitter: @CasseyFig
Name: Chelsea
Status: Veteran
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @chels_w_13
Twitter: @chelseawhaling
Name: Danielle
Status: Veteran
Job: Beverage Server
Instagram: @daniellejogarcia
Twitter: @Danielleg389
Name: Deanna
Status: Veteran
Job: Mixologist
Instagram: @deanna_morgan
Twitter: @Deanna_m_Morgan
Name: Jasah
Status: Veteran
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @jasah_
Twitter: @JasahHardRock
Name: Jessica L.
Status: Rookie
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @JessicaLingscheit
Twitter: @Jess_Lingscheit
Name: Jessica W.
Status: Veteran
Job: Council Oak
Instagram: @jesswelch90
Twitter: @jessicawelch901
Name: Kayla
Status: Veteran
Job: Council Oak
Instagram: @kayrababyninja
Twitter: @Kayrababyninja
Name: Kristie
Status: Veteran
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @kirstiegrignani
Twitter: @ThirstieKirsti3
Name: Roxy
Status: Veteran
Job: Mixologist
Instagram: @Roxyyu04
Twitter: @Roxyy04
Name: Sarah
Status: Veteran
Job: Beverage Server
Instagram: @snitti10
Twitter: @Snitti10
Name: Sonia
Status: Veteran
Job: Beverage Server
Instagram: @unprecedntedsonia
Twitter: @SoniaSonzW
Name: Summer
Status: Veteran
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @sumshinexo
Twitter: @sumshinexo
Name: Tarrah
Status: Veteran
Job: Beverage Server
Instagram: @tarrahdactyl
Twitter: @TarrahCameron
Name: Yenesis
Status: Rookie
Job: Table Games Dealer
Instagram: @yenesisss
Twitter: @Yenesissss